Grant Applications
Scroll down for tips on application success
Maximise your grant application success
Who are our grants for?
Our grant funds are focused on the South Australian LGBTQIA+ community and try to make grant funding more accessible to those who can’t access, or do not meet eligibility, for other grants.
What do we focus on?
Completing a Parkestone Foundation can seem daunting but we want to remind that you do not need to be a professional grant writer to be successful in winning a grant; we want to hear about your project/goals and how it benefits the SA LGBTQIA+ community, not a bunch of fancy buzz words.
I wrote a great application - will I be accepted?
It is important to remember, even the best written applications are not always successful. Parkestone Foundation receives a lot of applications and unfortunately not every application can be funded.

What we are judging
Questions we will need answers to
Is your application clear in who it benefits and why?
Remember, simple and to the point can be better.Have you clearly identified the South Australian LGBTQIA+ focus, involvement, and benefit?
Are the funds going to be well spent and you can tell us where the funds are going?
For example, you may have an itemised list of expenses, a written quote, or an estimate list of what the funds are being spent on.Does your project duplicate something already in existence? If it does, what makes your project relevant or beneficial to the community?
Can your project can’t be funded any other way?
For example, if you are a business, why do you need a community grant?
If you are working with other groups – why can’t funds be sourced elsewhere or shared collaboratively?Does your application meet a perceived or evidence-based need? (Literature, published surveys, support letters etc. can be helpful.
We acknowledge some things are obvious and well known that don’t need to be evidenced.Is your application realistic, achievable in the time frame, and measurable for your feedback report (Google ‘SMART goals’ for tips on this)?
Examples of previous grant reports are available on our website for reference.

What we are not judging
Avoid spending energy on these
Spelling, grammar, or syntax.
How well you can write English
Stigmatised identifiers (i.e. sex workers, kinksters etc.). In fact, we aim to do our best to support and lift up those are stigmatised and/or oppressed!
How ‘popular’ a person or group is.