Contact Parkestone Foundation
Support The LGBTQIA+ Community
Donate to the Parkestone Foundation
Your support is important to our work at Parkestone Foundation. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.
Please be aware that The Parkestone Foundation does not presently have Deductible Gift Receipt Status, and therefore donations cannot generally be tax deductible.
Donate to the Parkestone Foundation
Have a positive impact on our community
All donations to the Parkestone Foundation are used for the benefit of LGBTQIA+ events, organizations, and other related causes.
A small fraction of proceeds and donations are used to fund services essential to maintaining the foundation, which is coordinated and maintained by the trustees, all of which are volunteers.
You can be assured that your donations will have a high impact on the LGBTQIA+ community in South Australia.
Visible Outcomes
Transparency and reporting
If you make the generous decision to donate to the Parkestone Foundation, or you are interested in the work we are doing for our community - you can check out our "news" page to read about how your generosity is making a difference in the community.
New entries are added as they occur.
Our Benefactors
People who donate their time and/or money to support our cause